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What Is And How To Recognize A Hard Bounce Email?

Hey guys, today in this article, we are going to discuss what is and how to recognize a hard bounce email. So keep reading.

A hard bounce may occur for various reasons, including an invalid email address or an improper domain name. Email list upkeep is critical if you want to avoid severe bounces. To do this, you must delete all of their outdated and unconfirmed emails and validate Email Addresses online. You may learn more about hard bounces, how to avoid them, and what you can do to improve your sender reputation score by reading on.

What Should I Do If My Email Message Was Returned As Undeliverable?

The worst thing that can happen is that you spend weeks refining an email campaign, only to have it never reach the desired recipient list. Let’s not get bogged down in the nitty-gritty of how email works and instead focus on what it implies if your message bounces.

Deliverability is either temporarily or permanently disrupted, and an email is said to have bounced when this occurs. A strong bounce and a gentle bounce are the two primary kinds of bounces. When you know what kind of bounce you’re dealing with, you’ll learn how to avoid it in the future.

Soft And Hard Bounces Have Different Characteristics.

The distinction between a hard and a soft bounce is crucial to develop and maintain reasonable email sending procedures. Each of these is defined below, along with possible causes.

Hard Bounce

If your recipient’s email bounces back, it’s described as a “permanent failure,” and it may be caused by one or more of the following:

  • The website’s URL is inoperable.
  • There is no way of contacting the receiver.
  • Due to inactivity, the email address of the intended receiver has been deactivated.
  • SPF, DKIM, or DMARC verification tests fail on your message.
  • The user’s Internet Service Provider (ISP) believes that you are a spammer.
  • If the recipient’s mail server is set up incorrectly, an error message such as “we do not relay” will appear.

Soft Bounce

Occasionally, your email may be rejected because of a momentary issue on the user’s end. It’s crucial to know that a redelivery effort frequently happens with a soft bounce.

  • The following are some possible causes of a soft bounce for your email:
  • There is something wrong with your email message.
  • An error occurred while sending the message to the addressee.
  • The inbox of the intended recipient is overflowing.

How Can I Tell Whether An Email Has Been “Hard Bounced?”

Hard bounces are usually followed by a Delivery Status Notification (DSN) reply email, which informs you that your email could not be sent for an extended period.

Email service provider (ESP) systems, for most customers, immediately collect this DSN and offer complete data on the DSN through reporting or logging capabilities.

Deliverability Status Notification (DNS) is an excellent tool for determining whether or not a message has been rejected. In most cases, your DSN response will include an SMTP status number that indicates why your email was rejected.

SMTP codes that signal a hard bounce include the following:

1. Code 500: The email address you entered does not exist.
2. Code 510, 511, 513 – If you see this error, it means your mailbox has an incorrect address.
3. Code 544 – Unable to find a route.
4. Code 550: Protocol state unknown or undefined
5. Code 571: The communication has been rejected and cannot be sent (often due to spam).
6. Codes 572 and 574 indicate that security features are not available.

So that’s all from our side. I hope you liked this article on what is and how to recognize a hard bounce email. Thanks for reading!.

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