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Social Security COLA Increase 2025: Things to be aware about

The social security COLA increase 2025 will reach 2.5%, according to the Social Security Administration (SSA) announcement dated October 10.1. This new figure is the smallest COLA increase in five years since 2020, following last year’s 8.7% boost. The scheduled 2.5% Social Security increase by the SSA means the typical recipient will receive $49 more monthly or $1,976 monthly as their standard payment amount increases from $1,927. The average monthly benefit for married couples will rise to $3,089, beginning from $3,014, as they will receive a $75 additional monthly.

The foundation of the 2025 COLA

The 2.5% COLA is not far from the historical norm, though being lower than the 3.2% in 2024. Over the previous 20 years, the COLA has averaged around 2.6%. After the housing crisis, it dropped to as low as 0.0% in 2010 and 2011, and it reached as high as 8.7% in 2023 when COVID-19 interruptions caused inflation to rise. One

How to get more money each month from Social Security

Delaying the Social Security benefits claim until age 70 will result in more significant monthly payments. Your monthly benefit grows by 2/3 of 1% with every month you postpone benefits starting from your birthday month until reaching 70 when your benefit reaches its maximum. Waiting until you reach 70 will increase your Social Security retirement payment by 28% compared to starting to collect benefits at your full retirement age (FRA).

Those who claim retirement benefits before reaching their FRA could permanently diminish their benefit amount. The Social Security benefit reduction for people born after 1960 would amount to 30% for individual benefits and 35% for spousal benefits when claiming at age 62. Workers claiming Social Security spousal benefits receive only 50% of their FRA payment amount. Spousal benefits undergo a reduced amount depending on the automatic 50% discount. The spouse beneficiary receives this reduction following the mandatory 50% cut.3

Your retirement funds allow you to delay Social Security payments until you build a ‘bridge’ that lowers penalty amounts while increasing your monthly payments. Your IRA or workplace retirement account provides methods to allow you to avoid Social Security benefit receipt before your Full Retirement Age and potentially beyond.

In what way is the COLA determined?

When determining COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) calculations, the SSA relies on the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W). However, the situation was different during previous periods. Before 1975, Congress needed to approve every rise in benefits actively. The 1972 Social Security Amendments enabled automatic yearly COLA adjustments for Social Security benefits starting from 1975 because fixed pensions and Social Security benefits lost value because of growing inflation in the 1970s.

The COLA’s value is determined based on the July to September CPI-W inflation results. The Social Security Administration determines the COLA by comparing price percentages between current third-quarter averages and previous third-quarter averages.

Proposals advocating the use of the Consumer Price Index for Americans aged 62 or older (CPI-E) to determine the COLA have not been successful. Supporters of this price index believe it shows older adults’ costs better than alternative metrics. The CPI-E considers medical expenses more heavily than the CPI-W because they form a more significant financial weight within the older adult population.

Test your earnings when you get paid for your labor

According to the Social Security earnings test, continuing to work after taking Social Security benefits early will result in decreased monthly benefits. Benefits from Social Security are reduced monthly according to the annual earnings test regulation. Social Security Administration collects one dollar of these benefits when your yearly earnings exceed $23,400 or pass the monthly threshold of $1,950 in 2025. The earnings test becomes more lax when reaching full retirement age because the worker loses $1 of benefits for every $3 earned over $62,160 in 2025 or $5,180 per month.

Pay ceiling for Social Security taxes in 2025

During Social Security checks, your income is subject to a tax limit when determining your benefit amount. Social Security limits wage taxation to $176,100 over 2025, which requires adjustment for inflation and will likely increase in the upcoming year.

The Social Security wage cap in 2024 reached $168,600, an increase of $8,400 from the earlier $160,200 in 2023.

How Much You Need to Earn for Social Security Credits in 2025

Minimum Requirement for Benefits

  • You need 40 Social Security credits to qualify for retirement benefits.
  • You can earn up to 4 credits per year.
  • Without enough credits, the SSA cannot pay you benefits.

Why Social Security Credits Matter

Your credits determine eligibility for:

  • Retirement benefits
  • Disability benefits
  • Medicare
  • Survivor benefits for your family 

Earning Credits in 2025

  • 1 credit = $1,810 in wages or self-employment income.
  • To get 4 full credits, you must earn $7,240 in 2025.

Increase from 2024

  • In 2024, 1 credit required $1,730, meaning you need $80 more per credit in 2025.
  • The required amount increases annually, so it will go up again in 2026.


The Social Security Cola Increase 2025 provides beneficiaries a 2.5% increase as their essential financial boost. Beneficiaries receive an enhancement of their average monthly benefit payment to reach $1,976 as the 2025 COLA adjustment Adjustment helps retirees maintain economic stability in a rising cost environment. The 2025 COLA stands smaller than the past figures but continues the pattern of average adjustments that tackle rising prices.

Retiring individuals should consider delaying benefit payments until their late sixties because doing so expands monthly payments, yet people who claim benefits early receive smaller payments. Knowledge about CPI-W index calculations and comprehension of essential tax and earnings tests will help you make better choices regarding the Social Security COLA increase in 2025.

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