Discover the web design dos and don’ts from industry experts. This comprehensive guide will help you create a website that stands out and engages your audience. Start designing with confidence today!
The internet is one of the biggest and most revolutionary inventions in the history of the world. It has completely changed how people live their lives on a daily basis; as well as how business is conducted. If you’re buying or selling something, your primary resource will likely be the internet. There are countless reasons to set up your own website, but it’s more difficult than it sounds. While you can do it yourself; there are a few things you should keep in mind if you want more people to visit and stay on-site for longer. Keep reading to find out how to make the best site possible for visitors.
Web Design Dos and Don’ts: Tips for Success
Understand Your Audience
Understanding your audience is the first step to making a great website. What makes a website great isn’t just the bells and whistles; it’s also a deep and inherent understanding of your audience. For example, if you’re making a site for a law firm that represents blue-collar workers; such as in workplace accidents, you should make a clear, simple design that’s not too complicated, along with animations or images that make your firm’s goal clear. If you’re creating a site for an older demographic; use colors and high-contrast text while keeping the design as minimal as possible.
Make a Responsive Design
Another small improvement that can go a long way in making a responsive design. If your website is meticulously designed and decorated, it all goes out the window if it’s not responsive. A responsive website can fit on multiple screens and suit all aspect ratios while being smooth to use. If your website lags when you’re scrolling or moving from page to page; you’ll need to make more adjustments and optimizations. Another key consideration is whether it works on multiple devices since many of your site’s visitors will use a mobile device.
Use High-Quality Visuals
Having a good design and template for your site forms the backbone of the user experience, but once you’ve met the essentials; you can consider adding some good visuals to accentuate the experience. Using colors and contrasts is important, as it can cause an otherwise dull or drab design to become more interesting. You can also use still images, relevant stock images, or even small animations, as long as they’re not slowing down your site. This small change will engage your users more and make them more likely to stay on your site and use your services if you’re offering any.
Minimize Intrusive Pop-Ups and Ads
Something that you’ll need to keep in mind as you’re designing your website is that there is virtually endless competition, and nothing is stopping your site’s users from going to another website at even the slightest of inconveniences. Ads may be needed if you’re planning on monetizing your site and either relying on the income or reinvesting it in the site, but pop-ups are universally disliked and often ruin the user experience; causing people to click off. Instead, if ads are necessary, use a banner, or something left intrusive on the side of a page or an article.
Get Your Site to the Top of Search Engines
If you’re looking for success for your website, you’ll need to cater to visitors and search engines, which will likely decide its fate. The technical term for this is search engine optimization, and to follow it; you’ll need to use keywords throughout your site; especially on the home page, and provide metadata that will help search engines understand what your site is about specifically and how to categorize it. Unless your site is linked in an ad on a social media site; most visitors will only be able to find it through search engines; so being on the front page of the most popular ones is key.
Conclusion: Web Design Dos and Don’ts
Web design is more important than most people realize. Billions of people all over the world use websites every single day, and a lot of thought and care has been put in to ensure that these sites function smoothly and are as appealing as possible. A well-made and easy-to-use site is key if you want to spread a message or conduct a business because the better your website is; the more people will want to visit it. While it can be difficult to accomplish that; if you use the information in this article, you’ll have a great website in no time.
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