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15 Best Instagram Marketing Tips For SaaS Companies

Hey guys, today in this article, we are going to discuss the 15 best Instagram marketing tips for saas companies. So keep reading.

If a marketer had a genie fulfilling his wishes, he would have asked for their target audience in a single place, ready to listen and buy.

You are in luck if you have a similar wish.

Social media is where your potential buyers definitely are, with a promise of maximum returns on your investments.

And it’s not a secret. Over 90% of businesses realize social media’s importance in marketing their services or product. But not all of these businesses are successful even if they are using the most popular channel.

So in this post, we will discover Instagram marketing strategies that can help you grow your SaaS company.

Why Should You Use Instagram For Marketing Your SaaS Company?

Instagram has an active membership of over one billion, and that’s a lot of eyes for your business growth.

The reason why Instagram is so popular is because of its interactive interface and accessibility. You can thrive here with the right strategy regardless of your business size.

All this while sharing your story with your audience. When you put forth the human side of your business, it will build stronger customer relationships.

Let’s look at how you can get it right.

15 Best Instagram Marketing Tips For SaaS Companies

1. Know Your Audience

Marketing to everyone is like selling to no one.

It goes without saying, but just because Instagram has billions of users doesn’t mean all of them are your potential customers.

That’s why it’s essential to create a dependable buyer persona and use that as a guiding force. Here’s a basic checklist to start with.

  • Demographics like the average age of the customer, their location, gender, and education.
  • What are the pain points and issues of your ideal customer? And,
  • What are their aspirations and wants?
  • What expectations do they have from a service or product?

Drilling down the ideal customer persona will help you create relevant content for the audience.

2. Amp Up the Profile Bio

Your online audience judges you in three seconds by just looking at your profile.

It means you need to add the oomph factor to your profile bio.

Start with providing ample information to your visitors by adding:

  • A brand logo as the profile picture.
  • Clear and concise description.
  • Links to your website.
  • Contact details like email and phone number.
  • Highlights with interesting stories.
  • Use emojis to break the monotony.

Amp Up the Profile Bio

Verify your business profile if you can for more credibility.

3. Create an Engaging Landing Page

Have you ever been to a restaurant that looks great until you open the door and glance inside?

A wholesome Instagram bio with a broken link or, even worse, a bad landing page can cost you a deal.

Before you put any link to your profile bio, ensure that it’s correct and redirect the visitor to a page that can take them ahead seamlessly.

  • Use the same brand logo and theme on the landing page for a cohesive look.
  • Shorten the URL if it’s too clunky to fit into the bio.
  • Design the landing page with the right mix of images, text, and CTAs.

4. Work Smarter With Repurposing

Social media is for infotainment. No one wants to read a 1000-word essay with business jargon.

And that’s good news for you because now you can quit pulling your hair for the next great blog idea.

Since Instagram is a more visual channel, producing infographics, images, and graphical data is the best to market your SaaS business. And not everything has to be fresh. Repurposing your existing content into tiny capsules of exciting information is the key to scoring a deal.

For example- if your upcoming blog is about ways to save money, put those tips in a stunning Instagram graphic and link the full blog for driving traffic. You can do similar work with a research study you published recently or even case studies.

Work Smarter With Repurposing

5. Learn From Your Competitors

There’s no better place for inspiration than your competitor’s backyard.

Shortlist the top competitors or industry leaders and keep a tab on them. See what type of content they publish and how they post it.

You can even observe what people are saying about them, good or bad. It can be a source for you to improve or attract new customers.

But remember not to imitate your competitors. The audience is smart, and inauthenticity can dent your reputation significantly.

6. Double Down On the Hashtags

Hashtags are preceded by # and act as a unique keyword to search for similar content on Instagram.

It’s really helpful to boost your brand outreach and engage more people with you. Here are a few things to keep in mind before exploring hashtags.

  • Think of easy-to-remember and creative hashtags to reach a larger audience.
  • Keep the hashtags relevant to your business.
  • Don’t go crazy and mark each word of your caption as a hashtag. It’s off-putting, and the Instagram algorithm even limits the post visibility, in that case, considering it spam. Also, try to avoid using banned hashtags.
  • Instead, leave some space after your caption and include 1-5 top-performing hashtags.
  • People can even follow hashtags. So, ensure to create one for your brand name.

Double Down On the Hashtags

7. Promote User-Generated Content

Everyone loves some appreciation, especially your customers.

The digital environment has made it so easy for businesses to connect with their customers. All you have to do is use the opportunity.

  • Encourage customers to use your hashtag to get featured in your posts.
  • If your recent buyer posted a good review, share it with the rest of your customers to build trust.
  • Strengthen your customer relationship by giving a shout-out to their work.
  • Hold regular events where people can share their ideas with you.
  • You can even plan a giveaway contest to attract a wider audience.

Promote User-Generated Content

8. Include a Call to Action, Always

Simply sharing information isn’t going to get you, customers. You need to wrap the ends with a solid call to action.

It will not only tell the reader what to do next but will also give you a quantitative metric to analyze your progress.

Here’s what makes a CTA the powerhouse of leads.

  • Make your call to action stand out from the rest of the caption. You can either use an emoji or put it at the end.
  • Tell the reader clearly what they can expect from the next steps. Show them the value.
  • Create a sense of urgency or fear of missing out through appropriate copy.

Include a Call to Action, Always

9. Leverage the Power of Video

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is two thousand.

Instagram relies heavily on visually appealing content, so it’s a sure-shot way for you to tap into the platform’s real potential.

You can create videos, reels, or even gifs to convey your message in a fun way and hold your audience’s attention.

Ensure the videos are short and start with an exciting hook to avoid the dreaded scroll. And it’s okay if you don’t get it right the first time. Keep tracking the essential video marketing metrics to see what can be improved.

10. Collaborate With Niche Influencers

There is a whole career of Instagram influencers who get paid to promote a service or product. And the business gets to enjoy the outreach through that influencer’s followers.

So, it’s a win-win situation for everyone.

But before spending on Instagram influencer marketing, keep the following in mind.

  • Research the top Instagram influencers who share a common viewership with you. If the target audience is opposite to what the influencer manages, collaboration is not very valuable.
  • Discuss and plan the campaign with the influencer. Brief them on precisely what you want and when you want it.
  • Don’t finalize an influencer just for the sake of it. Refer to their portfolio and see what they can bring to the table.
  • Monitor the collaboration results and analyze your expected returns for future campaigns.

Collaborate With Niche Influencers: Instagram Marketing Tips For SaaS

11. Engage, Engage, and Engage

Social media is all about interacting with people. So find reasons to talk to your followers and prospects.

Instagram offers a wide range of options for you to reach your audience. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  • Reply to the comments on your post.
  • Publish open-ended content that gets the viewers to share their opinions.

Engage, Engage, and Engage

  • Stay active and revert to the inbox messages if you see a query or customer feedback.
  • Share behind-the-scenes moments to add a human element to your business.
  • Shuffle the story format to make it more exciting. You can use quizzes, polls, questions, etc., to get viewers’ responses.
  • You can also publish new product updates to inform existing customers and attract new ones.

Subscriber Chats: Instagram Marketing Tips For SaaS

12. Use Ads to Build Funnel

Ads can be annoying– for the viewer. A business thrives on it.

If created with skills, ads can bring the right kind of attention to your Instagram marketing endeavor.

  • Create a compelling ad copy that can guarantee clicks.
  • Integrate your account with CRM to keep track of leads.
  • Set up autoresponders to hold the lead until you get back to them.
  • Monitor the ad performance with relevant metrics.
  • Use A/B testing and segmentation to filter the top-performing ads.

13. Set Up the Content Calendar

Instagram rewards consistency and planning. You can’t expect your SaaS business to grow if you post sporadically.

Set up a dedicated team to manage Instagram marketing for your SaaS business and if you don’t have enough resources, use a content calendar to plan ahead.

An Instagram content calendar lets you decide what you need to publish and when to provide a structure to your Instagram account. It also avoids last-moment makeshifts and enhances the quality of your work.

Instagram Calendar

14. Build an Arsenal of the Right Tools

Big business or not, you can’t do everything yourself. Tools exist to make our lives better.

Now, the question is which one to use?

It can be pretty easy to get overwhelmed by the choices. So, asking yourself the following before adding another tool to your disposal is important.

  • How will this tool improve your processes, and is the problem it’s solving worth the effort?
  • Is there a more affordable option available that can do the same thing?
  • Can your existing tools help you with this problem?
  • Is it simple to use, or will you have to spend extra to train your team?

Sometimes, we purchase a service on a whim, thinking it will accelerate our growth. But resources and expansion aren’t directly related. In fact, the more resources you have, the more time they will take in management.

So, think clearly before adding a tool and when you do, use it to its full potential.

15. Check the Metrics & Insights

And like any other SaaS marketing strategy, Instagram also requires constant monitoring and analysis.

You can’t run the race with a blindfold and expect to win it.

Use Instagram Insights and keep improving your content to boost results. Observe the following parameters, like the:

  • Number of likes, shares, and comments.
  • Unique accounts visiting your profile.
  • People who watched your story or post.
  • Click rate on ads.

What’s Next?

Social media isn’t going anywhere, especially Instagram. What matters is how quickly and well you adapt to new opportunities.

Instagram marketing is simple, but you can only succeed in growing your business if you’re consistent and producing quality content.

It demands creativity, a learning mindset, and patience…lots of it. But once you get into the flow, the results will be worth it.

If you are still unsure about taking the first step, you can always get help from the experts. SaaS marketing agencies who know SaaS inside-out can be an asset to your Instagram marketing strategy. It’s much more affordable than hiring a full-time team and gets you results faster.

Author bio:

Trevor’s career began as a freelance learning applications developer and designer. After finding success in the software he moved into SaaS consulting and started the SaaS growth agency, Inturact. Over the last 10+ years, Inturact has helped many SaaS companies find scalability and get acquired. Inturact is now also an investment vehicle for Inturact Capital – a private equity fund that acquires grows and exits SaaS companies.

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