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Marketing Tips For Service Based Businesses

Marketing a service business can be a totally different ball game from marketing goods and products. Whilst your craftsmanship, professionalism, or expertise might well be able to speak for itself; it can be difficult to get customers’ feet through the door without a flagship product.

Thankfully, there is a whole different approach that you can take which will yield far better results than product-style marketing. These tips for marketing a service business are all easy to implement, inexpensive or free, and don’t even require a specialist marketing team.

So, even if your business is a solo venture at the moment; you should be able to complete them effectively all by yourself.

Solve Their Problems, Boost Your SEO

Search engine optimization, or SEO; is often one of the things that send shivers down your spine at the mere mention; that is unless you realize how simple the first steps can be. Now that search engines are so refined in their techniques, the way that they sift through websites has become much more similar to how a human would. This means that SEO takes a more common-sense approach nowadays than it used to back in the days of keyword cramming, endless tagging, and internally linking every other sentence. One of the best ways to get ahead with SEO these days is to solve the questions that your customers are answering. Within your answers, you’ll need to use the keywords that you find; as well as keep your content unique and informative.

Taking defense lawyers as a marketing example, they might be using ‘defense lawyers Ohio’ as their keywords and be writing blog posts about interesting laws in Ohio, like the one about it being illegal to go whale fishing on Sundays. This is certainly interesting and fairly unique content, but it’s not going to draw in page views. Instead, they would do better to spend some time on a keyword site like WordStream.

After putting in their search parameters, they would find that instead of using their original keywords, they could choose low-competition keywords like ‘lawyer consultation’ or ‘lawyer for family court’. Then working with these keywords they could search for frequently asked questions in Google and directly answer the questions that come up in a blog post. It sounds like a lot of work, but these steps will make an enormous difference not only to how many hits your site gets but also to its spot in the search rankings and your bounce rate.

Become Local Superheroes

If you’re the sort of service that operates mainly offline, then you’ve got a great head start with this one. Using your location to your advantage is a great way to get ahead not just in terms of SEO; but also through word-of-mouth referrals. A great thing for local businesses to do is to get a press release into the local paper. You’ll need to do something newspaper worthy first of course, which might be something like joining forces with a local charity. Choose a charity that aligns with your business, for example, a bakery might team up with a local foodbank to donate their unsold goods. Once you’ve got a good relationship going, write yourself a press release and send it to your local paper. The increased exposure will put the name of your business in the heads of potential customers; leading to more organic work.

Speak In Their Language, Literally

Catering very specifically to your audience is something that all marketers will recommend; it’s far better to tailor things too much to your ideal customer than to cast your net far and wide. With this in mind, providing information in the language that your customers will speak is essential. There is a tendency to opt for English first and everything else after in the land of the internet; but this can be alienating for some customers. Asiabet has created an excellent template that allows customers to look for exactly what they would like in whatever language they speak.

For example, Thai customers can search for online casino reviews, known as รีวิวคาสิโนออนไลน์ and they will find reviews that are not only available in their country but with information that is specifically targeted to Thai casino users, such as the bonuses available, the rules around playing and the currencies that you can deposit and withdraw. Making sure that your website is accessible in multiple languages will be really helpful to your customers; especially if you’re operating in an area where many different nationalities live.

I hope you like this article on tips for marketing service business.

The post Marketing Tips For Service Based Businesses appeared first on wpshopmart.

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