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Darrel Wilson WordPress courses Guide

A fantastic method to monetize your website and establish a revenue stream is to sell courses. You get to keep all of the money you make from selling courses for example WordPress Courses, and Programming languages courses on your website. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to use LifterLMS and Divi to build a WordPress website for an online course.

Purchase a Domain and Hosting

When compared against 15 other hosting companies, Siteground received the highest rating. Because of Siteground’s high uptime and quick loading times, your students will have a wonderful user experience while studying. There are three different plans available, but I advise selecting the Grow Big one. You may host an infinite number of websites with this plan and get extra disc space and bandwidth.

You will be able to access your client area when Siteground creates your account. After deciding on your strategy, consider the domain name you want for the website hosting your online course. You may submit your payment information on the following screen after selecting a domain name.

Download WordPress

After login into your Siteground account, you must install WordPress. There will be an orange button asking you to set up your site. Your WordPress dashboard will open shortly after you click the Manage Site button. On the following screen, you’ll be asked for a login and password.

You’ll find Siteground’s WordPress plugin and a personalized dashboard there. Go ahead and uninstall it by selecting Installed Plugins from the Plugins menu. Since we won’t be utilizing the WordPress Starter plugin, deactivate and remove it. This specific permalink structure is more SEO-friendly as well as more user-friendly. You may have noticed that your browser displays a Not secure message when you visit your website. You can Install the Simple SSL plugin will fix this.

Installing LifterLMS with the Divi theme

Installing the LifterLMS plugin and Divi theme completes this tutorial. Choose between the annual and lifetime membership options at ElegantThemes. Since the lifetime membership package includes lifelong support, I advise you to go with it.

You can quickly build and sell courses directly on your WordPress website with the LifterLMS plugin. Because this plugin is compatible with the Divi theme, creating your course pages will be quick and straightforward. Downloading the plugin from the official repository is free.

Personalizing Your Website

Go to Appearance > Menus, type in a name for your menu, then click the Create menu button to create a page. Choose the static page option and your homepage from the dropdown menu. For the modifications to be saved, click Publish.

Developing Your Course

The pages required for your course website will be created by the LifterLMS Labs course builder. You only need to go to Courses > Add new to add a new course. Then, you may include chapters, courses, tests, awards, certifications, and more. When you’re through creating your course website, don’t forget to configure your payment gateways. By doing this, you’ll be able to accept payments and earn money from your course.

Good WordPress Tutorial Website Qualities

Darrel Wilson WordPress tutorials are created to help anyone wishing to learn something new by providing clear instructions, sometimes in a step-by-step fashion, for a challenging undertaking. Know what to check for before diving headfirst to an instructional website to be sure it is of the calibre you need.

  1. Q&A. If there is a question and answer period, I want to gauge the instructor’s degree of participation. Are responses provided frequently? Do the kids appear to be happy with the solutions? Are there others who participate in the forum or are there signs of significant site visitor engagement?
  2. Reviews and ratings. To get a sense of what other people who have seen the lessons think, I prefer to check the ratings and reviews of the website as a whole as well as at individual eCourses, if that is feasible.
  3. Subject Matter. I prefer to make sure that the content is directed toward the intended audience, is comprehensive enough to provide site visitors with a thorough grasp of the subject, and is engaging enough to keep someone’s attention.


You have learned in this article how to create your online course website using WordPress, Divi, and LifterLMS. WordPress makes it simple to create any form of a website. Your course still has to be marketed and promoted. Happy instruction!


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