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6 Ways To Increase Your Instagram Engagement In 2022

Hey guys, today in this article, we are going to talk about the 6 ways to increase your Instagram engagement. So keep reading.

You have an account on Instagram and you are posting every day like clockwork. Yet, your engagement levels are pitiable, and posts hardly receive any traction. If this sounds familiar, you are not alone. A vast majority of content creators struggle with getting optimal engagement on their Instagram posts. But contrary to popular notion, receiving desired engagement is not as difficult as it looks. Here are some tried and tested tips to give you that extra push:

6 Ways To Increase Your Instagram Engagement:

1. Use Instagram Video Subtitles And Closed Captions

2. Host Giveaways

3. Instagram Reels Are The Way To Go

4. Share Relatable Memes

5. Don’t Underestimate Instagram Stories

6. Post When Your Followers Are Online


1. Use Instagram Video Subtitles And Closed Captions

Even though adding background sound and audio in an Instagram video feels great, your target audience may still prefer to watch them with sound off. That’s why it is important to add subtitles and closed captions to any video content that you post on the platform. Captions can also make your Instagram content more accessible to people experiencing hearing loss.

Research has also shown that captioning videos can boost the view times by up to 12 percent and 80 percent of the audience feel that captions are more likely to encourage them to watch the entire video. For higher engagement rates, ensure that the video remains highly watchable even when consumed on silent.

2. Host Giveaways

Everyone likes to receive gifts. Incorporating giveaways into your Instagram strategy can definitely rack up your engagement levels. But hosting giveaways is just not about giving something away for free to your followers. You need to be intentional about why you are hosting the giveaway and what you are offering the audience in return. Giveaways should reflect the authenticity of your brand and be exciting for your target audience. Asking followers to tag/follow/share your giveaway post to enter the contest can help you achieve higher engagement levels.

Get inspired by Proclaim, an ethically conscious brand that manufactures bodywear for women of all skin tones. The brand teamed up with a few women-led eco-conscious brands to bring to host a giveaway for International Women’s Day. Apart from setting out the giveaway gifts up for grabs, the brand also added following and liking the post as entry criteria to boost engagement.

Host Giveaways

You can also work with Instagram influencers during giveaways. You can ask them to run their own giveaway or ask them to work on an Instagram shoutout promoting your giveaways.

3. Instagram Reels Are The Way To Go

It is an open secret that the Instagram algorithm loves Reels. The app even redesigned the home screen to put Reels right upfront to make it the most preferred for increasing organic reach.

Use editing tools, music, and visual effects to make your Reels pop. Don’t shy away from adding creative edits and transitions to keep the audience hooked. End some of your reels with a call to action (CTA) for the audience to boost more interaction.

It’s simple — the more people you are able to reach with your Reel, the more your engagement will grow.

4. Share Relatable Memes

Memes are simple, relatable, and funny. That’s what makes them an excellent pick for boosting engagement. Post the right meme and you will have a flurry of comments, likes, and shares of your post, regardless of the industry or niche.

The key to a good meme is pairing high-quality visuals with text. Take, for example, this meme from The Beard Club, a beard supplement provider known for posting extremely relatable memes. The meme below portrays a common situation that anyone with a beard can relate to. The text provides perfect context and makes it so relatable that even non-bearded folks will understand what the brand is trying to convey. It’s also nice that they added some relevant hashtags to the caption.

Share Relatable Memes

5. Don’t Underestimate Instagram Stories

Stories give you the perfect opportunity to drive engagement by showcasing your personality. From hosting AMAs to clarifying burning questions, your followers may have — you can leverage Stories for chatty and informal interactions. You can talk to the community directly, and research shows that the audience is likely to feel more engaged when they see a human face on the screen instead of endlessly scrolling through static posts.

Take inspiration from Later’s team that keeps hosting sessions through Stories to share actionable tips for their target audience.

Instagram Stories

6. Post When Your Followers Are Online

How many posts you put up daily doesn’t decide the engagement — but posting when your audience is online sure does. While countless social media management tools periodically analyze the engagement on Instagram to find out the best times to post across each network, you cannot take them to be gospel truth.

Engagement is dependent on the location of your target audience. For instance, if your target audience is located across the world, your best bet is to post round the clock instead of relying blindly on user-generated data from different time zones. Also, remember that the timings that work for a particular business or industry may not work for you — so keep experimenting to see what suits your brand best.

Ready To Take The Engagement To The Next Level?

Increasing engagement on Instagram requires little creativity and advance planning. So next time you are chalking up the content plan, make sure to incorporate these easy ways to increase your Instagram engagement and see the results for yourself.

The post 6 Ways To Increase Your Instagram Engagement In 2022 appeared first on Free Web Resources , psd, mockups, & web templates.

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