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Interoperable K-12 Edtech For Long-Term Success

Hey guys, in this article, I am going to discuss Interoperable K-12 Edtech For Long-Term Success. So keep reading.

How A Standards-First Approach Leads To Better Support For Student Outcomes

The increasing use of the software by schools and districts to support operations, instruction is a vital component for edtech interoperability.

Ed-Tech should be able to connect with connected products that share data or workflows in order for long-term success without sacrificing either one!

The district is currently in need of a new SIS and hopes the school can help by providing feedback on which features would be most beneficial.

However, it’s important for both parties to understand that not all solutions are going to work together seamlessly if they’re from different vendors- so don’t get too excited about any potential partnership until we’ve checked out compatibility first!

The result of the rapid proliferation in software and technology can mean managing a host system that is generally not built to work together efficiently, or at all.

Number Of Edtech Products K-12 Districts Use

The acquisition of software for schools and districts can create myriad problems.

Not only does it cause potential funding, talent resource issues as well as disruption in instruction; when teachers must maneuver between so many products they have less time to teach which on average accounts for half their working hours spent doing non-teaching activities.

Interoperability Supports Whole Child Instruction

Educators need a strong data culture in order to make informed instructional decisions. This means that educators must work together with each other and their students’ data, which will provide them insight into the learner’s K-12 journey as well as maximize support for those being educated.

Having an interoperable solution that integrates with other edtech products makes it possible for users to have smoother, more convenient, and natural experiences when moving between programs.

With a unified workflow in place, there’s less time spent struggling on the technology itself as well as improved productivity because you won’t need separate accounts or passwords everywhere you go!

A Standards-First Approach Supports Interoperability

When choosing edtech vendors, school and district leaders should look for products that strive to maintain a standards-first approach both in terms of technology as well instruction.

This outlook helps support equitable access across organizations without having costly integration projects on their own.

It is important to know the best standards for your business, as they will help you reach goals.

The open IMS Global system of technology adoption provides a great way in which K-12 schools and districts can be more successful than ever before!

By bringing together a suite of integrated solutions from certified edtech companies, districts can:

  • Accelerate digital transformation
  • Make school operations more efficient
  • Improve student performance

With the newly announced initiative by IMS, more than 120 organizations and K-12 districts have pledged to prioritize open standards.

This is critical for future modernization in the education landscape as systems connect seamlessly and securely with each other through certification on edtech platforms that are compliant against these new standards which will assure seamless connections among all devices used today or tomorrow In addition to being interoperable, these products have plug-and-play connectivity without requiring custom integrations—a significant resource and time saver for K-12 districts.

IMS provides a repository of CASE-published standards through the network for anyone to use, generally at no cost. Designing software that supports these guidelines ultimately saves districts both time and money!

Since most state and national learning standards are only published in human-readable formats, such as PDF it is difficult for K-12 technology directors to integrate these into their edtech tools.

However, those who publish using the CASE format allow vendors of educational technologies (and users) easier access so that they can better support student learning.

Security Should Be Top-of-Mind

Since most state and national eLearning development standards are only published in human-readable formats, such as PDF it is difficult for K-12 technology directors to integrate these into their edtech tools.

However, those who publish using the CASE format allow vendors of educational technologies (and users) easier access so that they can better support student learning.

State and district leaders need to collaborate with edtech software developers as a community in order to design products that protect students’ data.

Infographic to assess your edtech vendors in 20 key areas that show what they are doing to keep your student, staff, and school data safe.

Interoperability Delivers Benefits For The Long Term

Ultimately, having interoperable systems that adhere to technical and instructional standards can save K-12 schools and districts time and resources.

And at the same time, it increases opportunities for developing and delivering individualized instruction tailored to the whole child’s needs.

In the long term, interoperable systems are a must when supporting better education management.

I hope you liked this article on Interoperable K-12 Edtech For Long-Term Success. Thanks for reading!

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